Score Analysis Meeting
At 12.40 P.M. of 11th January, at the conference room on the second floor of the administration building, led by Principal Assistant Qian Zhihong and Director Cao Siqing in charge of Grade 11, subject teachers from Class 6, Grade 11 attended the third monthly exam analysis meeting in this semester, which aimed to unify thinking, understanding as well as seek methods and countermeasures to jointly solve the existing problems in students’ studies.
In the first place, Director Cao Siqing chaired the meeting. He affirmed the favorable results obtained by Class 6, Grade 11 and hoped all teachers would make persistent efforts to give great promise for the 2019 College Entrance Examination.
In the second place, the head teacher proceeded a brief introduction with regard to the recent class conditions and some prominent issues.
In the third place, each discipline teacher conducted thorough analysis concerning the examination results in their respective subject. To be specific, the Chinese teacher thought that students had deficiencies in comprehension capacities, which meant teachers were supposed to reinforce the guidance and interaction in class to cultivate students’ sensibilities. The math teacher stressed that students in Class 6, Grade 11 were weak in rational thinking, which implied teachers should consciously focus on students’ thinking cultivation. The English teacher stated that students at all levels behaved differently and did not make enough efforts, which required teachers to continuously foster students’ persistent learning spirit. The history teacher mentioned that he would continue to supervise students, make the best of class and extracurricular time to guide students to recite each knowledge point. Last but not the least, the geography teacher emphasized that teachers were supposed to lay emphasis on students who failed the monthly exam or scored below 40 points to narrow the gap with parallel classes.
In conclusion, Principal Assistant Qian Zhihong summarized the meeting and thanked all the teachers for their industriousness. Meanwhile, he requested that all teachers should continue to be strict with students and pay attention to the comparison both vertically and horizontally to propel the in-depth implementation of score analysis.